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Juan José Larrea

Juan José Larrea is Professor of Medieval History at UPV/EHU. He was awarded his PhD by the University of Toulouse II – Le Mirail.
His work focuses on two main areas of research: the social and political history of Vasconia and the kingdom of Pamplona from the end of the Empire to the first feudal age, on the one hand, and the rural history of the early medieval West on the other, with special attention to the study of the early Carolingian archives.
He has directed and still directs doctoral theses related to both fields, and has coordinated several National Plan projects as PI. He is an associate member of the Framespa laboratory of the CNRS-Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès and of the Cercle de Travail sur les conditions de production du savoir médiévistique (LaMOP-CNRS) and has been a visiting researcher at the Institut für Frühmittelalterforschung of the University of Münster.
Between 2001 and 2004 he was Vice-Rector for Basque at UPV/EHU.

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Societies on the Edges: A Combinative Approach to Cross-Cultural Connections in Early Medieval Western Europe