Leticia Agúndez San Miguel contributed with a paper entitled «Los obispos “legendarios” de Valpuesta: memoria episcopal y falsificación documental (siglos IX-XII)» to the International Conference “Iglesia, poder y Sociedad en el Medievo Penínsular Perspectivas actuales de investigación”, sponsored by the Instituto de Historia-CSIC (17-20 October 2023). Brochure
A member of our project, Aitor Armendariz Bosque, participated in the 49th edition of the Semana Internacional de Estudios Medievales, which took place in Estella-Lizarra on 18-21 July 2023. This year’s topic was “Transformaciones del medioambiente en la Edad Media”. Aitor contributed with a paper entitled “Recorrer el paisaje, construir el territorio: una aproximación…
Two members of the CONNECT project team participated in the 21st biennial conference of the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England (ISSEME), which took place at the University of Manchester on 28-30 June 2023, presenting research conducted within the project. Theodora Paraskevopoulou gave a paper entitled «»It’s not all…