Jokin Ituarte

Jokin Ituarte is a PhD student in Medieval History at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.

His research, supervised by Jesús Lorenzo and Francesca Tinti, is entitled La sociedad de la Frontera Superior (siglos VIII al XII): un análisis comparativo sobre la articulación sociopolítica entre la frontera islámica andalusí y la sirio-anatolia, and it focuses on the confluence of different social groups and the specific features on the Islamic Frontier.

Irati Azpiazu Galarza

Irati Azpiazu Galarza is Predoctoral Fellow at UPV/EHU, where her research is funded by a Basque Government grant.

Her thesis, supervised by Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez y Juan José Larrea Conde, is entitled Fortificaciones e incastellamento en el occidente islámico: el caso de al-Andalus durante el emirato (siglos VIII-X)”. The objective of the research is to analyse and understand the characteristics and functioning of the fortifications (husun, sg. hisn) of the Emirate period in al-Andalus, in order to assess their possible relationship with the phenomenon of incastellamento.

Theodora Paraskevopoulou

Theodora Paraskevopoulou is a PhD student in Medieval History at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
Her research, supervised by Francesca Tinti and Eneko López, explores the influence of Greek in medieval western Europe, with special attention to Anglo-Saxon England.

Nagore Palomares

Nagore Palomares is a PhD student in the Philology and History Department of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
She was formerly a Research Assistant at the University of Alcalá, where she graduated in Modern Languages and Translation.
Her current research, supervised by Francesca Tinti, focuses on the interactions between Latin and vernacular languages in early medieval England and the eastern Frankish territories.

Nora Igartua

Nora Igartua is a PhD student in the Philology and History Department of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
She is working on a thesis entitled Prácticas documentales y usos de la escritura en monasterios altomedievales del norte peninsular. Siglos IX al XII, under the supervision of Prof. Juan José Larrea.
Her research focuses on the detailed analysis of one of the oldest extant single sheets of parchment written in the Visigothic script, also known as a pancarta, which formerly belonged to the archive of the monastery of San Salvador de Leire (Navarre). Nora’s research explores the process of archival memory construction in the scriptorium of Leire in the period between the eleventh and the early twelfth centuries.

Aitor Armendariz

Aitor Armendariz is FPU Predoctoral Fellow at UPV/EHU, where he is carrying out research for a doctoral thesis entitled Comunidades, violencia y territorialidad en las regiones del norte peninsular en los siglos X y XI under the supervision of Juan José Larrea and Ernesto Pastor.
His research focuses on forms of exploitation and appropriation of uncultivated lands and their relations with mechanisms of territorial control and violence in rural areas.
He is also interested in the production and transmission of the written word.

Andrea Aparicio

Andrea Aparicio is Predoctoral Fellow at UPV/EHU, where her research is funded by a Basque Government grant.
Her thesis, supervised by Juan José Larrea and Lluís To Figueras is entitled Formas de dominación y estructuras de parentesco en la sociedad rural de los siglos X y XI.
In her research she explores land appropriation, kinship and documentary practices in relation to mechanisms of control and domination.

Izei Permach Agirre

Izei Permach Agirre is Predoctoral Fellow at UPV/EHU, where her research is funded by a Basque Government grant.

Her thesis, supervised by Juan José Larrea and Ramón Díaz de Durana is entitled Sociedad medieval y ficciones de igualdad: la evolución de las sociedades de la Vasconia pirenaica y cantábrica y la construcción de mitos igualitarios (siglos XI al XV).

Her research focuses on sociopolitical developments and related systems of representation.


Pablo Acal

Pablo Acal is Predoctoral Fellow at the University of Cantabria (UC) in the Historical Sciences Department, where his research is funded by a ‘Concepción Arenal’ scholarship.
He is working on a thesis entitled ‘Obispos, monacato y hagiografía: una aproximación comparada a la figura y funciones de los obispos/abades en la Península Ibérica e Inglaterra (siglos XI-XII)’, under the supervision of Leticia Agúndez (UC) and Francesca Tinti (UPV/EHU).
His research focuses on bishops with abbatial responsibilities from a hagiographic and historiographical perspective, bearing in mind their symbolic representation and archetypal character, as well as their ecclesiastical career and creation of power networks.

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Societies on the Edges: A Combinative Approach to Cross-Cultural Connections in Early Medieval Western Europe