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Nora Igartua

Nora Igartua is a PhD student in the Philology and History Department of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
She is working on a thesis entitled Prácticas documentales y usos de la escritura en monasterios altomedievales del norte peninsular. Siglos IX al XII, under the supervision of Prof. Juan José Larrea.
Her research focuses on the detailed analysis of one of the oldest extant single sheets of parchment written in the Visigothic script, also known as a pancarta, which formerly belonged to the archive of the monastery of San Salvador de Leire (Navarre). Nora’s research explores the process of archival memory construction in the scriptorium of Leire in the period between the eleventh and the early twelfth centuries.

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Societies on the Edges: A Combinative Approach to Cross-Cultural Connections in Early Medieval Western Europe