
News and Events


3-4 June 2024: Project’s Spring Seminar

Following what has become a consolidated tradition, we have celebrated the project’s annual Spring Seminar on 3-4 June 2024 in the Micaela Portilla research centre at UPV/EHU in Vitoria.

Various members of the project team presented their ongoing research on languages, identities, networks and frontiers. We were also very happy to be able to welcome back in Vitoria Rob Gallagher (University of Kent at Canterbury) and Annina Seiler (Universität Zürich) who spoke, respectively, about early medieval epistolary networks and language-mixing in Anglo-Saxon glossaries.

As the attached photograph illustrates, at long last spring itself made a surprise guest appearance.

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Societies on the Edges: A Combinative Approach to Cross-Cultural Connections in Early Medieval Western Europe