David Peterson has a degree in History from Oxford University and a Doctorate (2006) in Medieval History from the Universidad de Burgos.
His research centres on early medieval society in northern Iberia and is based mainly on written sources and onomastics.
He is the author of two monographs on respectively, the Sierra de la Demanda (2006) and the Alto Ebro region (2009).
While based at the Universidad del País Vasco he was responsible for the development of the digital edition of the Becerro Galicano de San Millán de la Cogolla (http://www.ehu.eus/galicano/), and currently concentrates his research on medieval documentation and on the onomastic evidence for Islamic influence on early medieval Castile.
Since 2015 he has taught Medieval History at the Universidad de Burgos.
Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez was awarded his PhD in History in 2008 and has worked as a professional archaeologist before receiving a MEC mobility grant for the period 2009-2011 which took him to the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy).
In 2012-2016 he was a Juan de la Cierva Post-Doctoral Fellow at UPV/EHU where he is currently employed as ‘Profesor Adjunto’.
His research focuses on al-Andalus, conceived as an Islamic society in which it is possible to recognize the convergence of different social and cultural patterns. In this context he has paid special attention to the study of the frontier society of the Ebro Valley in the period between the eighth and the eleventh centuries, seeing it as a place of exchange and hybridization.
From a methodological point of view, he has combined the study of written sources with that of archaeological finds, also owing to his participation in archaeological excavations carried out by different research groups (UPV/EHU, CSIC, University of Chieti) in Spain, Italy, Libya and Cyprus.
He currently directs the excavation at Valtierra (Navarre). His research has been published in circa 30 publications, including journal articles in Spanish and European journals, book chapters, a book, and an edition of Arabic texts.
Eneko López is ‘Profesor Adjunto’ in History and Economic Institutions at UPV/EHU.
His main area of expertise is the economy of al-Andalus and the western Mediterranean from the eighth to the eleventh century.
In his doctoral thesis, written under the supervision of Prof. Eduardo Manzano Moreno at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CCHS-CSIC), he explored urban growth in the south-east of al-Andalus during the Umayyad period.
His three main research avenues are: 1) the institutional, economic and political relations between the Umayyad state and the northern Christian polities of the Iberian Peninsula; 2) the economic production and political use of material culture by the Islamic states; 3) urban and commercial growth, including its influence on the processes of Islamization and Arabization.
He is the author of the book Mercaderes, artesanos y ulemas. Las ciudades de las coras de Ilbira y Pechina en época omeya (UJA Editorial, 2020) and coautor of Medina Azahara (National Geographic, 2018).
He has also edited the volume Una nueva mirada a la formación al-Andalus. La arabización y la islamización desde la interdisciplinariedad (UPV/EHU, 2022).
Leticia Agúndez is Lecturer at the Historical Sciences Department, University of Cantabria, where she was awarded a PhD in Medieval History (2011).
Her main research line focuses on the social history of written cultures, with special attention to the production of cartularies, forgeries and the institutional memory of religious houses in the kingdoms of Leon, Castile and Portugal.
In 2014 she joined the University of the Basque Country as postdoctoral fellow and in 2017 she was postdoctoral fellow at the University of Porto. She has carried out research stays at the University of Sorbonne IV, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the Centre d’études supérieures de civilisation médiévale (Potiers). She has participated in several national and international research projects, including: Élites clericales y afianzamiento territorial e institucional de la diócesis de Burgos (siglos XI al XV) (2019-2023); Scriptoria, lenguajes y espacio agrario en la alta Edad Media (2018-2021), Le pouvoir des listes au Moyen Âge (2015-2019).
She has obtained several scientific awards, including the X Premio de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales. She is a member of the Buleva-Fuentes group and an international collaborator of the CITCEM-Porto.
Guadalupe Lopetegui Semperena was awarded her PhD by UPV/EHU and has been ‘Profesora Titular’ of Latin Philology in the same university since 1995.
Since the publication of a study based on her doctoral thesis (‘Edición y estudio de la documentación latina de Sancho VI de Navarra’), she has developed three main research avenues: 1) the relations between medieval Latin and Romance languages through the perspective provided by historical sociolinguistics; 2) the rhetorical and grammatical education of medieval intellectuals; and 3) theoretical and practical aspects of late antique and medieval ars rhetorica in literary, documentary and epistolary contexts.
While the latter research avenue has so far been the most prolific, more recently she has returned to the study of Latin charters, especially from medieval Navarre, from a lexicographic, stylistic and socio-cultural point of view.
She is also interested in the relations between literacy and orality, especially in multilingual contexts.
Societies on the Edges:
A Combinative Approach to Cross-Cultural Connections in Early Medieval Western Europe