
News and Events

Researcher Leticia Agúndez, speaker in Sahagún and Vitoria-Gasteiz


Leticia Agúndez participated in the 7th Cluniac Conference, held in Sahagún on 4 October, with a presentation entitled ‘Writing in the Monastery of Sahagún: from sacred origins to the crisis of power (10th-13th centuries)’. This researcher also participated in the ‘Archives and Research’ seminar held at the University of the…

Andrea Aparicio defiende su tesis doctoral


El pasado 2 de octubre tuvo lugar la lectura de la tesis de nuestra compañera del equipo CONNECT Andrea Aparicio Lozano “Usos agrarios, apropiación de la tierra y escritura en Galicia (siglos X-XI)”, dirigida por Juan José Larrea y Lluís To Figuera. La defensa se desarrolló brillantemente ante un jurado…

Congratulations to Dr Aitor Armendariz!


Yesterday, 19 September our CONNECT team member Aitor Armendariz brilliantly defended his PhD thesis entitled “Explotar y dominar el monte en las regiones centrales del norte de la península ibérica (siglos X-XI): memoria, acceso y violencia”. Aitor’s thesis was supervised by Juan José Larrea and Ernesto Pastor and was examined…



Several members of the project participated in the International Medieval Congress which was held at the University of Leeds from 1 to 4 July 2024. Connect co-sponsored and co-organized three sessions whose topics ranged from cartularies to medieval bishops, languages and letter writing. Papers were presented by Pablo Acal, Leticia…

3-4 June 2024: Project’s Spring Seminar


Following what has become a consolidated tradition, we have celebrated the project’s annual Spring Seminar on 3-4 June 2024 in the Micaela Portilla research centre at UPV/EHU in Vitoria. Various members of the project team presented their ongoing research on languages, identities, networks and frontiers. We were also very happy…

¡Enhorabuena a Eneko López!


Enhorabuena a nuestro compañero Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta. El 31 de mayo ha obtenido brillantemente la plaza de Profesor Agregado en el Departamento de Políticas Públicas e Historia Económica de la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU.

Spring Seminar 2024


On 3rd and 4th June 2024 the CONNECT project will hold its third cycle of Spring Seminars in Vitoria-Gasteiz, with the participation of Robert Gallagher (University of Kent at Canterbury) and Annina Seiler (Universität Zürich). We shall discuss frontiers, languages, networks and identities in the early Middle Ages. Spring Seminar…

CONNECT te invita a la jornada Humanidades en Común 2024,  que tendrá lugar en Vitoria-Gasteiz los días 23 y 24 de mayo


Una ocasión de encuentro entre investigadores y estudiantes de humanidades y personas de perfiles técnicos interesados en debatir sobre la práctica de la Ciencia Abierta y las Humanidades Digitales.

New project publication: special issue of Studia Historica. Historia Medieval dedicated to medieval ecclesiastical cartularies


A special issue of Studia Historica. Historia Medieval entitled ‘New Perspectives on Medieval Ecclesiastical Cartularies’ and edited by Leticia Agúndez and Francesca Tinti has just been published. After more than 30 years of cartulary studies, this special issue attests to the continuing vitality of this research area, while also pointing the way to…

Leticia Agúndez y Pablo Acal, en el Congreso Internacional «El Papado y los reinos hispánicos en la Edad Media»


Dos investigadores del equipo CONNECT expusieron en el Congreso Internacional «El Papado y los reinos hispánicos en la Edad Media» celebrado del 12 al 14 de marzo de 2024 en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Leticia Agúndez San Miguel presentó una comunicación titulada “El Becerro III, alias Bulario, de San…

Francesca Tinti impartió la conferencia de apertura de Dies Medievales 2024


Dies Medievales es un congreso internacional que reúne cada dos años a investigadores medievalistas de diferentes disciplinas (historia, historia del arte, filología, arqueología, etc. Y desde hoy, jueves día 7, al sábado 9 de marzo, tendrá lugar la decimoséptima edición, organizada por la Universidad de Helsinki, Finlandia, en colaboración con…

Nora Igartua defiende su tesis doctoral


El jueves 29 de febrero de 2024, Nora Igartua, miembro del equipo de trabajo del proyecto CONNECT, defendió su tesis doctoral titulada “La pancarta de San Salvador de Leire (AHN, Carpeta 1404, núm. 1). Programas y usos escriturarios en el monasterio de San Salvador de Leire entre los siglos XI…

Pablo Acal Maravert ha participado en el «Congreso Burgos Cidiano. Traspasando fronteras: los límites del Cid en el imaginario colectivo»


Celebrado en Burgos entre el 5 y 6 de octubre y organizado por diversas instituciones, como la Universidad de Burgos y la Asociación Jimena, nuestro colega Pablo Acal presentó una ponencia titulada “Tam christiani quam pagani […] proculdubio cognoscunt: la memoria del conde Berenguer Ramón II “el Fratricida” (1076-1097) a…

Leticia Agúndez San Miguel participated in the International Conference “Iglesia, poder y Sociedad en el Medievo Penínsular. Perspectivas actuales de investigación”


Leticia Agúndez San Miguel contributed with a paper entitled «Los obispos “legendarios” de Valpuesta: memoria episcopal y falsificación documental (siglos IX-XII)» to the International Conference “Iglesia, poder y Sociedad en el Medievo Penínsular Perspectivas actuales de investigación”, sponsored by the Instituto de Historia-CSIC (17-20 October 2023). Brochure

16 y 17 de noviembre, en la Universidad de Sevilla, Congreso Internacional «Cultura Escrita y Sociedad en el Occidente Medieval», con amplia participación de CONNECT


El Congreso Internacional “Cultura Escrita y Sociedad en el Occidente Medieval” se desarrollará los días 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2023 en el Aula Diego Angulo de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad de Sevilla. Este actividad académica va a contar una amplia participación del equipo…

Leticia Agúndez, participante en la XXXIII Semana de Estudios Medievales de Nájera


Nuestra compañera Leticia Agúndez San Miguel ha participado en la XXXIII Semana de Estudios Medievales de Nájera con una ponencia titulada “Construir la realidad: falsos y falsificaciones documentales” que será publicada en las correspondientes actas del Congreso. En esta intervención, centrada en los falsos y falsificaciones procedentes de instituciones eclesiásticas durante los…

Aitor Armendariz at the 49th Semana Internacional de Estudios Medievales of Estella-Lizarra


A member of our project, Aitor Armendariz Bosque, participated in the 49th edition of the Semana Internacional de Estudios Medievales, which took place in Estella-Lizarra on 18-21 July 2023.  This year’s topic was “Transformaciones del medioambiente en la Edad Media”. Aitor contributed with a paper entitled “Recorrer el paisaje, construir el territorio: una aproximación…

International Medieval Congress in Leeds


07CONNECT organized two sessions at the Leeds International Medieval Congress entitled «Early Medieval Societies on the Edges: From Britain to the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond» and focusing on different meanings of ‘borders’ in early medieval European societies. The sessions featured the contributions of four project members who were joined by…

Theodora Paraskevopoulou and Francesca Tinti at 21st Biennial ISSEME Conference


Two members of the CONNECT project team participated in the 21st biennial conference of the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England (ISSEME), which took place at the University of Manchester on 28-30 June 2023, presenting research conducted within the project. Theodora Paraskevopoulou gave a paper entitled «”It’s not all…

Second Spring Seminar 2023


Our second Spring Seminar 2023, which took place on 30 May in Vitoria-Gasteiz, featured four talks focusing on the limits of ecclesiastical power in the Iberian Peninsula. These were presented by CONNECT (UPV/EHU) team members Pablo Acal, David Peterson and Izei Permach, as well as our special guest Iván García Izquierdo of…

First Spring Seminar 2023


On Tuesday 23 May we held our first Spring Seminar 2023 in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Three members of the CONNECT team (Francesca Tinti, Theodora Paraskevopoulou and Guadalupe Lopetegui) presented their current work for the project and were joined by Dr Edward Roberts of the University of Kent who gave a talk on ‘Piety and…

23 and 30 May 2023, Second cycle of Spring Seminars in Vitoria-Gasteiz


On 23 and 30 May 2023 the CONNECT project will hold its second cycle of Spring Seminars in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Micaela Portilla Building, Room 0.3). It will feature both members of the project team presenting their work in progress and external collaborators working on related topics. SPRING SEMINARS CONNECT 2013 Centro…

Estrenamos sitio web para el proyecto CONNECT


Bienvenido al website que hemos concebido para presentar el proyecto CONNECT. Societies on the edges: a combinative approach to cross-cultural connections in early medieval western Europe. Encontrarás en connect-web.eu una síntesis de nuestras intenciones y líneas de investigación, acompañada de la bibliografía citada, en ABOUT PROJECT; el equipo al completo, con nuestros datos de…

Prof. Francesca Tinti delivered the Deerhurst Lecture 2022


Our principal investigator, Prof. Francesca Tinti, was invited by the Friends of  Deerhurst Church to deliver the Deerhurst Lecture 2022 on 17 September. Her talk was entitled «Worcester, Odda of Deerhurst and lay participation in the written culture of pre-Conquest England». The lecture was delivered in the Priory Church of…

Spring Seminars 2022


n May and June 2022 the CONNECT project organized its first cycle of Spring Seminars. These were held in hybrid format (in person in Vitoria-Gasteiz and online) and featured both team members presenting their work in progress and guest participants working on topics related to the project. Herewith the full…

© 2022 - 2024.

Societies on the Edges: A Combinative Approach to Cross-Cultural Connections in Early Medieval Western Europe